Thursday -- Friday It's 1999! We've gone back to the booze for another long holiday weekend. We want to thank all of our readers for making our inagural year here at The DVD Journal a very successful one. We are adding some new features to our site starting on Monday, including our Divx information page, our DVD Lexicon, and our DVD MIA page, which will list "Missing in Action" films that have yet to be put on DVD. We also have some new graphics for '99, and a little bit of JavaScript. And of course, we will continue our Daily News and Commentary, Quick Reviews, Full Reviews, The Editor's Top Ten, and Choice Web Links sections as well. The entire staff would like to thank you, our readers, for your questions, comments, and suggestions. We believe that 1999 will be a very exciting year for DVD, so feel free to visit us for the latest buzz. We hope you will enjoy your weekend with food, drinks, friends, music, and maybe a movie or two on DVD. We'll see you next year. -- Ed. Wednesday, 30 December 1998
Will the DVD be next? Maybe not, but when it comes to the home-video divisions of major Hollywood studios, I refuse to predict anything anymore. I'm just glad we got our copy a while ago. If you know anything about this that we don't, we'd like to hear about it. Titanic pirated: Bill Hunt over at The Digital Bits has posted a comprehensive look at a pirated DVD of Titanic. The efforts that the pirates undertook to create legitimate-looking packaging belie one small fact -- according to Bill, the transfer on this disc is complete crap. Of course, when some legitimate discs are still being put out by major Hollywood studios with questionable transfers, I have no idea why pirates think they can do any better, nor why anybody would pay $20 for a disc that looks worse than a widescreen VHS. By the way, Bill isn't buying pirated DVDs or anything, and he has turned this particular bootleg over to the MPAA for further investigation. More Oscar Buzz: Variety has a new story on the ticking Oscar clock. The skinny? If it hasn't played in L.A. this week, it won't be on the ballots. See ya tomorrow. -- Ed. Tuesday, 29 December 1998 Zoinks! Musicland Stores Corp. (they own and operate Sam Goody/Musicland, Suncoast Motion Picture Company, Media Play and On Cue) has announced that they sold $5 million worth of DVDs -- last week! I didn't buy anything there, but it looks like some of you did.
Kinda thin, huh? That's fine with us. We don't have to watch so many new releases this week, and instead get to watch some discs that we've been meaning to see. The Good: Reel.com has announced their best DVDs of 1998, sorted by 17 genres. They selected several discs for each category, so we're only going to list their top picks:
Not bad picks for the most part, but The Negotiator scored higher in the Suspense category with the folks at Reel.com than either The Silence of the Lambs or The Manchurian Candidate (although both did place). We will respectfully disagree with our sponsors on this point. By the way, all of Reel.com's top picks are on sale. Sshhhh! The Bad: I was watching Bill O'Reilly on Fox News last night as he had Fox News Entertainment Reporter Dana Kennedy drop by to list some of her worst theatrical movies of 1998, "in no particular order," as she said:
O'Reilly said the only two movies he liked for all of 1998 were Saving Private Ryan and Waking Ned Devine. Kennedy picked Shakespeare in Love as her best movie of the year. I'll have to get around to seeing that one I guess. The Ugly: We are essentially a Netscape-oriented site, but some of our readers who use Microsoft's Internet Explorer were kind enough to point out that we were using some HTML code that IE doesn't recognize. We made our crack programming department put down their lattes and their comic books and get on the job, and we hope that things look better now for our IE readers. Our apologies, and thanks for reading anyway. We'll see you all tomorrow. -- Ed. Monday, 28 December 1998 We're Back: We hope that the long holiday weekend was a good one for you. If you just got a new DVD player, welcome to what we think is one of the best DVD sites on the Internet. We took advantage of the weekend and watched some movies we've been meaning to see. New quick reviews are on the board for Deep Impact, Speed, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Rock, The 39 Steps, Bullitt, and The Eiger Sanction. Check 'em out on the Quick Reviews Index.
May the Force Be Against You: A reader gave us a heads-up on this amusing Star Wars commentary at Philly Weekly. And don't get pissed at us -- we just report the news. We'll see you tomorrow with an update on the last street discs of 1998. -- Ed. Thursday-Friday, 24-25 December 1998 Happy Christmas! We may all be face down in a punch-bowl full of spiked Kool-Aid, but the entire staff of The DVD Journal would like to wish our readers a pleasant Christmas, and we hope that your holiday gifts are DVDs, DVD players, widescreen TVs, Dolby 5.1 amplifiers, and/or fat-ass speakers. Happy holidays, and we will see you all soon. -- Ed. Wednesday, 23 December 1998 You Could Be a Lucky Bastard: Steve Tannehill over at The DVD Resource Page is now accepting entries for his "Instant DVD Collection" contest, and the winner will walk away with enough free DVD movies to create an impressive domino tumble. We are betting that Steve will be overwhelmed with e-mailed submissions, but you might want to enter anyway. Our site isn't nearly as popular or successful as The DVD Resource Page (which we read faithfully), but we are planning our first contest for sometime in 1999, where one lucky DVD Journal reader will get to return all of our empty cases of beer and keep the nickel deposit for each bottle! Yowza! We know you're all excited, so keep your browser pointed here for further details! -- urp -- Not Just a Fad: The DVD Video Group has released a statement announcing a blowout in DVDs and DVD players, with sales up 22% for the holiday season. Maybe some of you will get lucky on Christmas morning. I'm planning on getting the traditional Amaray case full of coal from my ungrateful staff. Bah! Top of the Pops: Here's the top-ten selling DVDs for the week of Dec. 13-19, courtesy of Reel.com:
A few older titles seem to have cropped up amidst the new releases last week. Smells like Christmas spirit to me. -- Ed. Tuesday, 22 December 1998
We'll be back tomorrow. -- Ed. Monday, 21 December 1998 An Apology from the Editor of The DVD Journal: Over the weekend the staff had a shouting match about what movies we should watch. Many obscenities were exchanged, and there were a few scuffles as well. As for myself, I denied throwing a glass of whiskey at a female staff member, but she didn't have her dress cleaned, and everybody agreed the next day that it smelled like 12-year-old single-malt Glenmorangie. I can only say that I was not forthcoming, I regret that I misled members of my staff, and I have accepted full responsibility for my actions.
On the Board: New quick reviews have been posted for Lethal Weapon 4, The Negotiator, Patriot Games, Star Trek: Generations, Private Parts, and Top Gun. Some of these were good, and some weren't so good, but we don't want to waste people's time talking about which studios are producing better DVDs than other studios. Let's put these divisive issues aside and move on to the business of watching movies on DVD. -- Ed. Friday, 18 December 1998 1998 Box Office, Part II: As if my little rant the other day about how 1998 has been a poor year for movies wasn't enough, Reuters has posted a story on how most of this year's film crop largely consisted of remakes, most weren't very good, and the box office has gone into the tank as a result. So I guess it isn't just me who has been disappointed. Also, the Golden Globe nominees have been announced, and my Oscar guesses seem to be validated by the front-runners of this Academy Award preview: Saving Private Ryan will likely clean up at both award ceremonies, with The Truman Show as the only film with enough traction to keep a distant second. Surprisingly, the Globes overlooked Terence Malick's The Thin Red Line, the one film that I thought could get some attention before New Year's Day. Beloved and Pleasantville were also given short-shrift (both seemed to get mixed reviews from the critics as well). Will there even be a reason to watch the Oscars in March? Sitting around: We're just hanging out here today watching some new DVDs. Look for new reviews next Monday of Lethal Weapon 4, Star Trek: Generations, The Negotiator, Top Gun, Patriot Games, Private Parts, and whatever else we get around to watching. Hmmm... I smell another national holiday or something around the corner. I think I'm supposed to go shopping now. Have a good weekend. -- Ed. Thursday, 17 December 1998
Too Much is Never Enough: Americans can't seem to get enough electronic toys, which isn't a bad thing if you ask me. Electronics retailer Best Buy, a strong open DVD supporter from the early days (and not Divx-friendly either), have announced record earnings for their third quarter. Total earnings for Best Buy are up 106%. CEO Richard Schulze says that DVD sales have contributed to their overall growth. See you tomorrow. -- Ed. Wednesday, 16 December 1998 And The Winner Is: Now don't get to thinking that I'm some sort of Academy Award nut or anything, because I pretty much consider the whole thing to be a four-hour television commercial for mainstream Hollywood studios, but just the same, what's the buzz this year? It seems like 1997 was such a great year for movies. Even though the movie with the big boat won Best Picture, we still had some really great films last year, such as Contact, Gattaca, Boogie Nights, Austin Powers, and of course, the magnificent L.A. Confidential. So I'm trying to determine what the front-runners are this year, and I'm kind of drawing a blank. Well, there's Saving Private Ryan, obviously, and I would guess this will sweep a lot of awards because it's a good movie, but also because there just isn't much competition. The Truman Show? It generated a lot of buzz, and wasn't a bad movie, but it didn't seem like an Oscar contender when I saw it way back in January. Pleasantville? I've heard good things about it, but I haven't seen it yet. It's doubtful it will do anything if put up against Saving Private Ryan. I've also heard a lot of good buzz about Elizabeth, but since this is a foreign film, I don't know if it will be eligible for domestic categories, and anyway, foreign films don't do very well with the Academy. Have I been spending all year watching DVDs and not seen the better films of this year? Or am I correct in assuming that Saving Private Ryan will win everything simply because it's the only obvious "The Academy can't ignore this" sort of movie? In any case, 1998 will not go down in my mind as one of the better years for cinema. If you want, you can e-mail me and tell me what you think. Top of the Pops: Reel.com has announced their top-ten-selling DVDs for the week of December 6 through 12:
We'll be back here tomorrow with more stuff. -- Ed. Tuesday, 15 December 1998
With all of the major studios and so many DVD producers in the market now, these lists seem to be getting longer and longer each week. And no, we won't watch all of these right away, but we're gonna watch as many as we can. New reviews will be up next Monday.
All DVD, Only DVD: Our good friends over at Reel.com have announced that they are launching a new DVD-only section on their website, where customers can search and browse in a DVD-only environment, and not have to deal with those awful VHS tapes. We've had an early peek, and it looks good to us. What's extra-cool is that they have a special section dedicated to Criterion discs, and regular readers of The DVD Journal know how much we like the folks over at Criterion. And if that isn't enough, Reel.com is also having a contest. Everybody who buys a DVD before Jan. 31 will be automatically entered, or you can send your contest entry by mail. The grand prize will be a Cambridge SoundWorks Ensemble IV surround sound system, a Sony STR DE325 receiver, and a Sony DVP-S300 DVD player. We love the Sony S300, and it's part of our own review equipment here, so that's a pretty good deal for the lucky slob who gets it. Ten first place winners will get five DVD movies of their choice. All winners will be announced on March 1, 1999. Click on any of the Reel.com banners you see on this website to check out the cool stuff. -- Ed. Monday, 14 December 1998
Not that questionable information from Circuit City sales reps is anything new. They still don't seem to sell any Sony DVD players, which I suspect is because Sony has refused to manufacture Divx decks. However, when I asked a CC rep many months ago why I couldn't buy a Sony DVD player, he told me Circuit City wasn't selling them because they were inferior to other DVD players, such as those from RCA. Now, I'm not knocking RCA/Thompson players, but let's check back in on Planet Earth, because everybody knows that Sony makes great DVD players. And yet, this is a true story. So, on my latest trip to Circuit City, I was taken aback to find open DVD discs for sale, on the floor next to Divx discs, and at reasonable street prices. You could actually browse through them without permission from the staff, and I gather they would even let you buy them without too much hassle. What's up with that? I say Divx is on the way down, and changing the sales terminology from "Divx player" to "DVD player with Divx enhancement" indicates that the top brass understand they can only survive by engaging in a Faustian death-grip with their mortal enemy -- open DVD, the direct competitor to Divx silver and gold discs. We'll see how much longer the Divx concept lasts, but I feel the war will soon be over.
On the Board: New quick reviews have been posted for The Peacemaker, The Man in the Iron Mask, Small Soldiers, Annie Hall, and The Wild Bunch: The Director's Cut. We'll be back tomorrow with this week's street discs. -- Ed. Friday, 11 December 1998
Coming Attractions: The staff is still sorting through some new DVDs, and some old ones we haven't gotten around to yet for that matter. Look for new reviews on Monday, including Small Soldiers, Annie Hall, and The Wild Bunch. Have fun this weekend, and don't let the holidays burn you out. -- Ed. Thursday, 10 December 1998
On the positive side, Fox News did point out the vociferous anti-Divx sentiment on the Internet, and featured brief screen shots of some anti-Divx pages, including Steve Tannehill's over at The DVD Resource Page. The web has always been the front line of this format war, and it was good that anti-Divx webmasters were noted in the report.
Euro-DVD: Businesswire has posted a report from Screen Digest stating that 125,000 DVD players will be sold in Europe by the end of this year. Which EC nation has the biggest DVD appetite? France, followed by Germany and then the UK. A total of 485,000 DVD players are expected to be in European homes by the end of 1999. We hope that these numbers will prompt the studios and other DVD producers to release more hard-to-find Euro-classics in Europe, North America, and worldwide. My favorite non-U.S. film -- Jean Renior's sublime The Rules of the Game -- cries out for a gorgeous DVD remaster. That's it for now. -- Ed. Wednesday, 9 December 1998 Whole Lotta Nothin': We've been busy watching movies, so today's update will be short. Nothing happened in DVD land today, so we'll check again tomorrow and let you know what's up. Top of the Pops: Reel.com has announced their top-ten-selling discs for the week of Nov. 29 to Dec. 5:
We have comments on The Mask of Zorro, The Hunt for Red October, Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, and The Silence of the Lambs in our Quick Reviews section, so check 'em out if you're interested. Also, I have no idea how Criterion's disc of The Silence of the Lambs got up to number eight this week, seeing as it has been available for months, but it is a good disc just the same. See ya tomorrow. -- Ed. Tuesday, 8 December 1998
Release weeks like this give us a headache, because there's no way we can watch all of these before next Monday's review update. But dammit, we're gonna try anyway.
Lawyer Jokes Anyone?: For those of you who have not caught on to this little brouhaha over at The DVD Resource Page, webmaster Steve Tannehill recently registered three "Star Wars DVD" domain names with Internic, the worldwide Internet registry, in the hopes of smoking out information on when any new Star Wars discs may be released. Well, now he's received a cease-and-desist letter from a law firm that represents Lucasfilm, but so far Mr. Tannehill's holding his ground. We admire his fortitude, but our best advice is simple: When lawyers get involved, watch your ass. We're behind you Steve, but please, don't got to jail. They probably won't let you keep your modem. We'll be here tomorrow with news on top-selling DVDs. See ya. -- Ed. Monday, 7 December 1998
Price Break: The weekend Laserviews update also featured the first price reductions yet seen by Fox, a studio that normally prices DVDs from $29.95 to as much as $34.95. They now are planning to sell four titles (State Fair, Carousel, Oklahoma, and South Pacific, all due on April 27) at $24.95, with a likely street price of around $20 at many retailers. Considering that Warner, MGM, New Line, and now Columbia-Tristar sell most of their discs with a $20 street price (and many of these have special features), we hope that Fox will continue this trend. We also hope they keep dipping into their back catalog as well. On the Board: New quick reviews posted today include The Mask of Zorro, The Hunt for Red October, Breakdown, Wild Things, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. We'll be back tomorrow with this week's street discs. -- Ed. Friday, 4 December 1998
Say It Ain't So: We're not the only people who have been flummoxed over some less-than-spectacular DVD offerings from studios such as Paramount and Fox, but Bill Hunt over at The Digital Bits has a posted a thoughtful analysis of why this dragging-of-feet persists, even after these studios have announced their support of DVD. Read it. Linda Blair World Tour: For those of you in the Bay Area who wished you could have been in L.A. this earlier this week to have Linda Blair sign your copy of the newly released The Exorcist: Special Edition, buck up, because she will be at Tower Records Video in San Francisco tonight (3205 20th Ave.) to do it all over again. More on the Way: More DVD reviews will be posted this Monday, including The Mask of Zorro and The Hunt for Red October. And, as always, we are working on more full reviews of DVD movies, so look for those next week as well. -- Ed. Thursday, 3 December 1998 Big Boat:The web is buzzing over a news story in Video Business that features Jim "King of the World" Cameron talking about the long-anticipated Titanic DVD, which may include a director's cut. Too bad this is too little and way too late. Frankly, since Paramount did not release this disc day-and-date with the VHS edition, we predict that any release from here forward will make more of a ripple than a splash. That's too bad, because a Titanic DVD could have sold truckloads of players months ago. But then again, it's not like Paramount is in the electronics business. Best of Show: The First Annual DVD Expression Awards have been announced. Best Overall went to Contact. Other discs were singled out for picture quality, audio quality, features, and menus. Be sure to check out our ongoing DVD winners at The Editor's Top Ten. By the way, L.A. Confidential was nominated in four of the five DVD Expression categories, and won in the menu category. I think it deserves a category of its own -- one damn good film. Top of the Pops: Reel.com has announced their top ten selling DVDs for the week of Nov. 22 to Nov. 28:
-- Ed. Wednesday, 2 December 1998 Silence: Yesterday was a slow news day, so we took the time to watch some more movies. We still have not heard anything concrete about a new release date for The X-Files: Fight the Future, but when we do you'll read about it right here. Shameless: We know we sound like a bunch of shills for Reel.com, but it seems they have entered into an Internet price-war with another retailer and are now selling their top 100 DVDs up to 50% off. Really, we went and checked, and it's for real. So we apologize for yesterday's banner that said the Casablanca DVD was $17.99, because Reel.com is now selling it for $12.99. Let's hope the trend catches on, because we like the idea of paying VHS prices for DVDs.
See ya tomorrow. -- Ed. Tuesday, 1 December 1998
Other street discs today include The Mask of Zorro, Earthlight: Special Edition, The Ghost in the Darkness, The Hunt for Red October (cool!), Sliding Doors, Switchback, Girl School Screamers (from Troma, natch), and The Devil's Advocate: Special Edition, this disc being the newly "re-mastered" one that removed all of the legal trouble they had the first time around (see November's previous news and commentary for more info on that). Don't forget, if you'd like to get one of today's new discs you can save yourself a few bucks and a lot of hassle by clicking on one of the Reel.com banners on our site.
Disney has announced Mafia! and Marvin's Room for February 9. They have also announced a disc of the Tarantino flavor fave Switchblade Sisters for the same date. I'm not sure about the $40 barcode for this one though. Fox is planning to release the faux-Woo Broken Arrow on March 9. Columbia-Tristar has announced the classic A Man for All Seasons on Jan. 26. The Bruce Willis vehicle Hudson Hawk is also due on the same date. Guess which one I'm buying.
Hi, I am in the process of comparison shopping for a DVD machine for a Christmas present. I have been told that Proscan offers several excellent options. Can you tell me your opinion on this manufacturer (I found a price of $743.00 cdn for Proscan model 8610)? Thanks Erin Well Erin, we all got drunk and had a fistfight before arriving at an answer to your question, but in general, the staff agrees that all DVD players in the same price range are roughly equivalent, because most of the bugs that hampered some first-generation machines have been worked out. For around $400 (U.S.) today you can get a DVD player that is comparable to what $1,000 (U.S.) would have cost you at this time last year. Proscan and RCA are both brands made by Thompson Electronics, and are regarded by many as "budget" brands, unlike Sony, Panasonic, or Toshiba players, which cost a little more. But since the Thompson players are in their second and third generations, you probably will get as much bang as you want for the bucks you are willing to spend. Of course, if you want to pay $1,000+ for your DVD player, you will likely get a fine machine. But we also agree that there is a "law of diminishing returns" when it comes to DVD players. Pay too little and you may get too little -- but if you pay more than ten Bens, you may only get a marginally better player than one that costs half as much. Our pick for the pocketbook this holiday season? For a standard DVD player (not with Dolby Digital built-in, not a carousel, and for God's sake, not Divx), spend between $350 to $500 (U.S.) on a reputable brand. That's just enough to get decent features without paying too much for "quality" you probably don't need. Erin also asks: P.S.: Is Braveheart available on DVD? Sadly, not yet. This is a Paramount title, and many members of staff like this Mel Gibson Oscar-winner a lot. Laserdisc owners can take some solace that this was put on the big platter way back in March of 1996. But we have no reason to believe that Paramount will not release it eventually on DVD, and our bet is that it will be sometime in 1999.
-- Ed. |